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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy has been drafted to clearly demonstrate our unwavering commitment to the learner’s privacy.

Methods of Collecting and Using Information:

Methods of collecting and using information obtained through the Al-Aia-Academy website The Al-Aia-Academy website collects information about students in two ways: - Information collected automatically by the host server. - The data that students provide us when registering using the different forms on the site, such as “registration on the site”, “contact us” or others.

Automatically Collected Information:

The host server automatically records some information about the learners. This information includes the date and time of the visit, your IP number, the name of your Internet browser, the operating system, and the address of the page (URL) from which you entered our site. This data enables us to improve the contents of the site to suit the needs of learners and to protect the site from intrusions.

Information Provided by the Student:

The information that is provided to us via the various forms on the site enables us to help learners, provide them with useful information, and communicate with them, and at the same time it helps us to improve the content of the site in line with their needs. Some of these forms require learners to provide us with personal information, such as: name, email address, age, gender,,, etc. The information collected through these forms is used to communicate with learners and follow up on their academic activity on the platform. It is also used when issuing program certificates to the students and improving the user experience. This information is not provided or sold to any third party  under any circumstances, except in the event of a judicial request, , either to advertisers, other financiers or otherwise. However, we may provide advertisers, financiers or interested persons with short statistical data in a statistical format collected in a way such that the identity of any of the learners cannot be revealed. Moreover, no personal information will be provided to any third party in any manner, including advertisers, sponsors and interested parties.

External Links:

Al-Balda Al-Taybeh Academy website contains links to other websites. The academy is not responsible for the privacy policy that applies to those sites or their content.

5) External Services:

This site uses services for tracking and performing statistical analysis of learners that are provided by other sites, such as Google Analytics. The Al-Balda Al-Taybeh Academy site is particular in choosing the most secure and reliable services and takes into account all the necessary standards needed to ensure data privacy in all the external services used.

Information Security Guarantee:  values the importance of ensuring the security of the information we have, not losing it and preventing its misuse or modification. This is achieved by limiting the powers of access to this information to the maximum extent possible, whether when the information is in storage or in transit.

Non-Periodical Website Newsletter: will send periodic e-mails containing information from our site. By using this service, you agree to receive these messages. You can unsubscribe at any moment via the cancellation link provided in the messages themselves. The site does not send unwanted messages because that causes inconvenience and wastes people’s time. However, this does not necessarily mean that all the messages will arrive in your inbox; you may find some of our messages in the junk (spam) mailbox, This depends on the email service provider and its algorithms used in classifying mail.

Privacy Policy Changes:

Please keep in mind that we review this Privacy Policy periodically and may make some changes to it, so be sure to visit this page periodically to make sure you are aware of the latest version of the Privacy Policy.

Data Deletion and Modification:

You can write to us to delete the information you registered with us via this e-mail:,  You can also directly modify the information you registered with us from your personal page, bearing in mind that some information can only be modified with technical support, such as the full name that is used in issuing program certificates.

Contacting the Website:

1.10. To contact the moderation team at, please use the email: